Uncharted Roleplaying Game

Mobile & Web Apps - 2017

For my class assignment at UCLA Extension full stack developer program, I developed a roleplaying game with the theme of Uncharted 4.

Uncharted 4 RPG is an interactive game for web browsers, my app dynamically update the HTML pages with the jQuery library. Technologies used in this app are Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap, Jquery, Json.

Live links: Uncharted RPG | Source On Github.

There is also a Fallout 4 version for the Fallout fans out there.

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Uncharted RPG

When the game starts, the player will choose a character by clicking on the character's picture. The player will fight as that character for the rest of the game. The player must then defeat all of the remaining fighters to win the game. You can visit my github account for code explaination on how I builed this app.

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Fallout 4 RPG

An interactive game with Fallout 4 theme.

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