
Mobile & Web Apps - 2017

I have a pleasure working with my three classmates at the UCLA Extension full stack develop program on this project. JoinCoin is an educational mobile and web apps for crytocurrency. There is a beginner section for new user to learn about the basic of crytocurrency and advance section for knowledgeable user to obtain more information on variety of crytocurrency. The advance user will have an option to test our profit calculator for future investment (accurancy may vary, this is just a fun interaction). JoinCoin app was develop using React Component and React Routing.

My role is to help create the beginner section to give the application an interactive experience to users.

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, React, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose.

Live links: JoinCoin | Source On Github.

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My group work together and drew out the userflow for our applications. Many feedback was taking into consideration to produce the final drawing below.

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Responsive Design

Landing page and educational page with responsiveness.

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Education Page

Educational Page give user the ability to learn on their own pace with the accordion design for the Q&A section. Images sample for each section is animated using Adobe Animate CC with the help of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop for the vector images.

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